The International Society for Quality Electronic Design was established in 1990s with the mission to promote and foster quality in design of electronic systems and circuits. Since then, ISQED society has organized several key industry events such as "International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design", in Silicon Valley, CA since 2000, and "Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design", in South East Asia since 1999. List of other events includes "International Solar Energy Technology Conference", and "Smart Power Grid Technology Conference". ISQED society has initiated several awards to recognize individuals and organizations that demonstrate commitment to quality in development of their products and services. The first one is "ISQED Quality Award" also known as "IQ-Award". List of recipients of this award is provided in the ISQED society web-site. The second award which is geared toward organizations is called "ISQED Quality Quest Award" also known as "IQ2-Award".